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Центр Поддержки

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How mutual PR works?

Mutual PR (MPR) is one of the most convenient and most profitable ways to promote channels and support the audience. The Tagio platform offers its customers a complete set of tools for the most effective mutual PR.

Auto Publish

After creating your advertising post - activate it's automatic mode. Now - if there are enough credits, your post will be automatically offered to the channels for publication, for which they will receive your credits and will be able to make the same MPR for their channel.

The meaning of credits is simple - 1 credit = 1 view.

Manual selection

Deactivate your advertising post automatic mode, and find the appropriate channels in the catalog. Turn on the option "Allowed Mutual PR" and search among the channels that allow them to offer your post.


All posts, including advertising, are published automatically at a given time. Also deleted - in the same way automatically. The Tagio platform carefully monitors all posts for premature removal, and site owners will be punished in this case.

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