Telegram Channel's "Гороскоп на сегодня" advertisement price and schedule
Current server time:
Please select type of placement you want to order
Buy place for money
Date: [[]] [[]]
Confirmation: Automatically Manually
Sound: Enabled +[[|money]] Disabled
Reply: Enabled +[[|money]] Disabled
Place mutual PR for credits
Date: [[]] [[]]
Confirmation: Automatically Manually
Sound: Disabled
Reply: Unavailable
Additional options:
Automatic advertisement confirmation works only for categories:
Channel owner places advertisement of the next categories:
* Posts with other categories may be declined by the owner.
Automatic advertisement confirmation works only for categories:
Channel owner places advertisement of the next categories:
* Posts with other categories may be declined by the owner.
[[]] [[place.time_display]] (MSK)
[[|money]] [[|money]]
Requests for this place: [[place.requests_count]]
Reply post: [[place.pricing.reply.local|money]] Free
Sound notification: [[place.pricing.sound.local|money]] Free
[[|money]] / [[|credits ]] [[|money]] / [[|credits ]]